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Предпринимателям с неудачным опытом грантов
With the commercialization of graffiti (and hip hop in general), in most cases, even with legally painted "graffiti" art, graffitists tend to choose anonymity. This may attribut to various reasons or combination of reasons.
Personal expression
Graffiti often has a reputation as part of a subculture that rebels against authority, although the considerations of the practics often diverge and can relate to a wide range of attitudes.
Radical and political
Graffiti may also be used as an offensive expression. This form of graffiti may be difficult to identify, as it is mostly removed by the local authority.
Offensive graffiti
Graffiti is a controversial subject. In most countries, marking or painting property without permission is considered by property owners and civic authorities as defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime, citing the use of graffiti by street gangs to mark territory or to serve as an indicator of gang-related activities.
Marc Ecko, an urban clothing designer, has been an advocate of graffiti as an art form during this period, stating that Graffiti.
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Graffiti have become a common stepping stone for many members of both the art.
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Tristan Manco wrote that Brazil "boasts a unique and particularly rich.
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Banksy is one of the world's most notorious and popular street artists who continues to remain faceless in today's society.
said by: John Smith
Team leader designer
Jack Ryan
Sophia Jones
Writer historian
Mike Cooper
Team leader designer
Jack Ryan
Sophia Jones
Writer historian
Mike Cooper
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From the 1970s onwards, Burhan Dogancay photographed urban walls all over the world.
European Stadium
Elsewhere, activists in Russia have used painted caricatures of local officials with their mouths as potholes.
The Mandalorian
A 2006 exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum displayed graffiti as an art form that began in New York's.
Dallas Rangers
The project today known as "Walls of the World" comprises about 30,000 individual images.
Brooklyn Pipe
It spans a period of 40 years across five continents and 114 countries. 1982, photographs from this project comprised a one-man exhibition.
London Underground
In Australia, art historians have judged some local graffiti of sufficient creative merit to rank them firmly within the arts.
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